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Tuesday, 11 August 2009

The EPA Gives Could Give the Chevy Volt a 230 MPG Rating. What? - washingtonpost.com

The EPA Gives Could Give the Chevy Volt a 230 MPG Rating. What? - washingtonpost.com: "You know that strange viral marketing campaign popping up around the Interwebs as of late? Well, we know what it means now thanks to GM's CEO Fritz Henderson and it's somewhat impressive - and a tad dubious. GM is claiming that under the new EPA guidelines, the Chevy Volt will hit 230 MPG. The Volt would be the first car to ever earn a triple digit number.Take a look at the current high-mileage kings and that 230 MPG rating really sinks in. The EPA handed the Prius a 51 MPG city ranking and the Insight a 41 MPG. The EPA says that the Ford Fusion hybrid can get 41 in the city and the Camary Hybrid 40 MPG in the city. With hyper-mileage tactics like killing the engine to coast down hills and fancy pedal work, a few obsessed drivers have pushed a few of these cars into triple digit territory."

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