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Saturday, 31 October 2009

Number of victims to unknown virus growing! State of emergency to be imposed in Ukraine?

Yesterday, on October 29 some media reported that allegedly in the Ternopil Region cases of ill people with typhus were registered, and that militarized detachments limited entrance and departure from the territory of the Ternopil Region. However, the Public Relations Center of the Ministry of Emergencies in the Ternopil Region denied information about it.

Yesterday, on October 29 the chief physician of the regional sanitary-epidemiological station Halyna Hrynchuk assured that Kyiv Region is ready for prophylaxis and treatment of influenza, reported Yulia Makoveeva, MIGnews.com.ua correspondent.

In the Ternopil Region 25 percents of infectiologists who worked with patients with acute respiratory viral infections are ill, the chairman of the Association of infectiologists of Ukraine Mykhaylo Andreychin reported yesterday, on October 29 at a press conference.

"One fourth of doctors had such a disease or they are ill with it now. Fortunately, they are recovering now and soon again be able to work", - said Mykhaylo Andreychin.

Yesterday, on October 29 in Morshyn, Lviv Region a doctor from a local hospital, who contacted with patients with viral infection and visited them, died, is reported by the Deputy Chief of the Health protection department in the Lviv Region Iryna Mykytchak. According to her, a 56-year-old woman "had been previously diagnosed with pneumonia," UNIAN reports.

The medical facilities in the Lviv region have medicines for treatment of influenza and acute respiratory infections for the three-day supply, is said in the summary of information of the General Directorate of Health Protection in the Lviv Regional at the State regional Administration, UNIAN reported.

Because of the mass acute respiratory infections residents of the Lviv Region began to buy up antiviral drugs and flu masks. Yesterday, on October 29 the Lviv residents could not purchase masks. Consequently, the director general of the Lviv regional pharmaceutical corporation Nelia Byk appealed to all residents of the region with the request not to buy drugs without the need, Glavred cites the Ministry’s report as saying.

Ministry of Health recommends using the methods of traditional and alternative medicine for prevention of acute respiratory viral diseases, including influenza, Ukrainian News cites the report of the Ministry as saying.

According to experts of Ministry of Health, filling nutrition, conditioning to the cold and frequent airing of premises are effective during the period of active disease. Also, the Ministry recommends using general health-improving and tonic immunomodulatory drugs. In addition, the Ministry recommends frequent hand washing and cover a nose and mouth with a handkerchief when coughing and sneezing.

The number of people suffering from unknown virus in Ukraine is growing. According to the latest data of Ministry of Health, 30 deaths of flu and acute respiratory viral diseases have been recorded, starting from October, 19, in the Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv Regions. In particular, from October, 19 and until 04:00 p.m. on October 29 6 deaths have been recorded in the Ivano-Frankivsk Region, 12 - in the Lviv Region (including 1 child) and 12 - in the Ternopil Region. As of 04:00 p.m. on October 29 the number of people sick with influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in these regions has reached 37, 923 people, 951 out of them have been hospitalized.

11:04 a.m. The information has been received that 3 people died from complicated pneumonia for the last 3 days in Chernivtsi. In total, during the last day the number of people sick with acute respiratory vital infections in Chernivtsi increased from 2,623 to 4,053 people. Only in 8 cases influenza was diagnosed.

According to the doctors, now in Chernivtsi unidentified viral infection is being observed. The first results of virological studies that will identify the virus, will be ready only in two weeks.

Also, three people died in the Rivne Region, and one person- in Transcarpathia.

In total, according to unconfirmed reports, 37 people died.

In connection with this anti-epidemic measures are introduced at the Lviv railway.

A spokesman for the chairman of the Lviv regional state administration Olha Kulyk also reported that "Lviv airport and Lviv Customs are under control”.

The Ternopil Regional Council decided to hold an extraordinary session on October 30. MPs will start the meeting at 02:00 p.m. today.

The emergency antiepidemic and antiepizootic Committee will be gathered today in the Cabinet of Ministers, declared First Deputy Prime Minister Olexander Turchynov in the air of 5 Kanal.

In addition, commenting on the growth of drug prices, he appealed to owners of pharmacies: "Stop be a parasite on the problems of citizens and do not play with the prices because we will have to answer for it. We are not joking, and we will act fairly tightly."

Olexander Turchynov also said that the leadership of the Ternopil Regional Health Protection Department "waited for a few weeks, did not informed the center and only after they had realized they would not cope with the situation, attended the press conference, instead of immediately informing Kyiv”.

Poland is keeping an eye on the situation with a possible virus epidemic in Ukraine. But while the State Sanitary Inspectorate of the country (GIS) does not see reasons to limit or close traffic on the common border. According to the GIS, the inspection has instructed its offices in Rzeszow and Lublin strengthen sanitary control at checkpoints on the common border, as well as monitor the current situation. In addition, the service should inform travelers about the possible threat of the epidemic and prevent the need to immediately contact a doctor in case of symptoms appearing.

GIS representative noted that from October 31 to November 3 the number of Poles crossing the Polish-Ukrainian border, will increase because many people will visit the cemeteries in Ukraine.

Member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Health Lilia Hrihorovich (Our Ukraine-People’s Self-Defense faction) is convinced of the necessity to declare the state of emergency in five regions of Ukraine.

MP of the Verkhovna Rada from the Party of Regions faction, deputy chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Health Viktor Korzh says that the Ministry of Health is not ready to struggle against flu and acute respiratory viral infections epidemic.

Director of the Ukrainian Center for influenza and respiratory infections, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine Olexander Hrynevich is convinced that Ukraine needs a massive vaccination against influenza in connection with a high incidence of acute respiratory infections. By reports of Interfax-Ukraine, UNIAN, Ukrainian News, Ukrainskaya pravda

As a reminder, October 28 flu epidemic in the Ternopil Region, which had appeared a week ago, mowed down nearly 10,000 of residents. Moreover - unknown virus has already killed seven people. Ministry of Health has confirmed 20 deaths from pneumonia in Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv Regions.

A closed meeting has been held in Ivano-Frankivsk, at which participants agreed that epidemic of the so-called "pneumonic plague" is being spread throughout Ukraine. But the problem is its form is unknown, it is ATYPICAL nobody knows how to treat it.

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